Changes for page XWiki Syntax Guide
Last modified by Ludovic Dubost on 2020/07/30 11:21
From version 5.1
edited by Ludovic Dubost
on 2015/09/01 11:47
on 2015/09/01 11:47
Change comment:
Install extension [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-help-ui-7.1]
To version 8.1
edited by Ludovic Dubost
on 2017/01/07 20:21
on 2017/01/07 20:21
Change comment:
Install extension [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-help-ui-8.4.3]
Page properties (1 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
- Page properties
- Content
... ... @@ -1,21 +1,31 @@ 1 1 {{velocity output="false"}} 2 2 #set($SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES = {}) 3 -#set($void = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.put(1.0, 'XWiki Syntax 1.0')) 4 -#set($void = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.put(2.0, 'XWiki Syntax 2.0')) 5 -#set($void = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.put(2.1, 'XWiki Syntax 2.1')) 3 +#set($void = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.put('1.0', 'XWiki Syntax 1.0')) 4 +#set($void = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.put('2.0', 'XWiki Syntax 2.0')) 5 +#set($void = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.put('2.1', 'XWiki Syntax 2.1')) 6 +## 7 +## needed for sections that contain descriptions valid for several syntaxes 8 +## basically it is hack to reuse the 2.0 descriptions for 2.1 9 +#set($SUPPORTED_SYNTAX_ORDER = ['1.0', '2.0', '2.1']) 10 +## 11 +## filter all syntaxes that are not installed/configured 12 +#set($configuredSyntaxes = $services.rendering.getConfiguredSyntaxes()) 13 +#set($enabledSyntaxIds = []) 14 +#foreach($syntax in $configuredSyntaxes) 15 + #set($discard = $enabledSyntaxIds.add($syntax.toIdString())) 16 +#end 17 +#set($unavailableSyntaxes=[]) 18 +#foreach($supportedSyntax in $SUPPORTED_SYNTAX_ORDER) 19 + #set($fullSyntaxId = "xwiki/$supportedSyntax") 20 + #if(!$enabledSyntaxIds.contains($fullSyntaxId)) 21 + #set($discard = $unavailableSyntaxes.add($supportedSyntax)) 22 + #end 23 +#end 24 +#foreach($unavailableSyntax in $unavailableSyntaxes) 25 + #set($discard = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAX_ORDER.remove($unavailableSyntax)) 26 + #set($discard = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.removeKey($unavailableSyntax)) 27 +#end 6 6 7 -## We need a way to have a mapping between a string and a number, and we cannot use $mathtool.toDouble() because 8 -## it is locale dependent (see: 9 -## TODO: fix $mathtool or create a script service that handles this english-locale string<->number conversion, 10 -## because this fix is a bit hacky/spaghetti. 11 -## A better fix would be to refactor this application, because the syntax number SHOULD NOT BE USED because a syntax 12 -## is not supposed to be a number (imagine that we switch to 'Markdown', it is impossible to compare). 13 -## Instead, a syntax object should have a list of categories that the syntax supports. 14 -#set($NUMBERS_CONVERSION = {}) 15 -#set($void = $NUMBERS_CONVERSION.put('1.0', 1.0)) 16 -#set($void = $NUMBERS_CONVERSION.put('2.0', 2.0)) 17 -#set($void = $NUMBERS_CONVERSION.put('2.1', 2.1)) 18 - 19 19 #if ($request.xaction == 'switchContext') 20 20 $response.sendRedirect($ 21 21 #stop ... ... @@ -26,10 +26,14 @@ 26 26 #set ($crtCategoryId = $mathtool.toInteger($crtCategoryId)) 27 27 #end 28 28 #set ($crtSectionId = "$!{request.section}") 29 -#set ($crtSyntaxVer = $NUMBERS_CONVERSION.get($request.syntax)) 30 -#if ("$!crtSyntaxVer" == '' || !$SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.containsKey($crtSyntaxVer)) 31 - #set ($crtSyntaxVer = 2.1) ## Default to Syntax 2.1 39 +#set ($crtSyntaxVer = "$!{request.syntax}") 40 +#if (!$SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.containsKey($crtSyntaxVer)) 41 + ## Default to the most current one (if we have any) 42 + #if(!$SUPPORTED_SYNTAX_ORDER.isEmpty()) 43 + #set ($crtSyntaxVer = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAX_ORDER.get($mathtool.sub($SUPPORTED_SYNTAX_ORDER.size(),1))) 44 + #end 32 32 #end 46 +#set($crtSyntaxPos = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAX_ORDER.indexOf($crtSyntaxVer)) 33 33 34 34 #set ($extraParamList = []) 35 35 #if ($request.language) ... ... @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ 61 61 #set($obj = $sectionDoc.getObject("XWiki.XWikiSyntaxClass")) 62 62 63 63 ## detect if we entered a new category 64 - #if($catCount < $obj.getProperty("category").value) )78 + #if($catCount < $obj.getProperty("category").value) 65 65 ## Put previous category into map (if existing), and reset children map 66 66 #if($catId) 67 67 #set($cat = { 'id' : $catId, 'name' : $catName, 'children' : $catChildren }) ... ... @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ 98 98 #end 99 99 100 100 ## Add new sections to category children map 101 - #set($child = {'id' : $sectionDoc.getName().substring(11), 'minSyntax' : $obj.getProperty("minSyntax Version").value, 'maxSyntax' : $obj.getProperty("maxSyntaxVersion").value, 'name' : $sectionTitle})115 + #set($child = {'id' : $sectionDoc.getName().substring(11), 'minSyntax' : $obj.getProperty("minSyntaxId").value, 'maxSyntax' : $obj.getProperty("maxSyntaxId").value, 'name' : $sectionTitle}) 102 102 $catChildren.add($child) 103 103 #end 104 104 #end ... ... @@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ 113 113 #foreach ($category in $syntaxMenu) 114 114 #set ($sectionsToRemove = []) 115 115 #foreach ($section on $category.children) 116 - # # TODO: Thisshould berefactored(see before): a syntaxisnotsupposedtobe anumber117 - #if ($ section.minSyntax > $crtSyntaxVer)130 + #set($minSyntaxPos = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAX_ORDER.indexOf($section.minSyntax)) 131 + #if ($minSyntaxPos > $crtSyntaxPos) 118 118 #set ($discard = $sectionsToRemove.add($section)) 119 119 #if ($ == $crtSectionId) 120 - #set ($crtSectionId = '') ## clear section if it doesn't exist (can happen when switching from 2. 0to2.1 syntax)134 + #set ($crtSectionId = '') ## clear section if it doesn't exist (can happen when switching from 2.x to 1.0 syntax) 121 121 #end 122 122 #end 123 123 #end ... ... @@ -182,16 +182,24 @@ 182 182 *# 183 183 #macro(syntax_displayCategory $sections $translationPrefix $heading) 184 184 #foreach ($section in $sections) 199 + #syntax_displaySection($section $translationPrefix $heading) 200 + #end 201 +#end 202 + 203 +#macro(syntax_displaySection $section $translationPrefix $heading) 185 185 #set ($displayVersion = $crtSyntaxVer) 186 - ## TODO: This should be refactored (see before): a syntax is not supposed to be a number 187 - #if ($crtSyntaxVer > $section.maxSyntax) 205 + ## here is the hack to display the description for 2.0 if we have no description for 2.x 206 + ## this likely needs more work if e.g. there is a 3.x which is not compatible with 2.x 207 + #set($maxSyntaxPos = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAX_ORDER.indexOf($section.maxSyntax)) 208 + #if ($crtSyntaxPos > $maxSyntaxPos) 188 188 #set ($displayVersion = $section.maxSyntax) 189 189 #end 211 + #if($heading) 190 190 (% class="sectionheader" %) 191 191 $heading $ $heading 192 192 215 + #end 193 193 {{include reference="XWiki.XWikiSyntax${}" section="H${displayVersion}${}"/}} 194 - #end 195 195 #end 196 196 197 197 ... ... @@ -247,12 +247,10 @@ 247 247 #end 248 248 <select id="goto-select" name="target" title="$escapetool.xml($services.localization.render("help.changesyntax"))"> 249 249 <optgroup label="$services.localization.render('help.choose_syntax')"> 250 - #set ($query = "syntax=1.0&${crtSelection}") 251 - <option value="$doc.getURL('view', $query)" #if($crtSyntaxVer==1.0)selected="selected"#end>$SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.get(1.0)</option> 252 - #set ($query = "syntax=2.0&${crtSelection}") 253 - <option value="$doc.getURL('view', $query)" #if($crtSyntaxVer==2.0)selected="selected"#end>$SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.get(2.0)</option> 254 - #set ($query = "syntax=2.1&${crtSelection}") 255 - <option value="$doc.getURL('view', $query)" #if($crtSyntaxVer==2.1)selected="selected"#end>$SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.get(2.1)</option> 272 + #foreach($syntaxId in $SUPPORTED_SYNTAX_ORDER) 273 + #set ($query = "syntax=${escapetool.url($syntaxId)}&${crtSelection}") 274 + <option value="$escapetool.xml($doc.getURL('view', $query))"#if($crtSyntaxVer == $syntaxId) selected="selected"#end>$escapetool.html($SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.get($syntaxId))</option> 275 + #end 256 256 </optgroup> 257 257 </select> 258 258 <span class="buttonwrapper"><input type="submit" value="$escapetool.xml($services.localization.render('admin.switchContext'))" class="button" /></span> ... ... @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ 280 280 #syntaxSwitch() 281 281 ((( 282 282 #set ($query = "syntax=$escapetool.url(${crtSyntaxVer})${extraParams}") 283 -#if ($crtCategory){{html}}<a href="${doc.getURL('view', ${query})}">$syntaxTitle</a>{{/html}}#{else}(% class="current" %)$syntaxTitle#{end}#if ($crtCategory) (% class="separator" %)» #if ($crtSection){{html}}<a href="${crtCategory.url}">${}</a>{{/html}}#{else}(% class="current" %)${}#{end}#if ($crtSection)(% class="separator" %)» (% class="current" %)${}#end#end303 +#if ($crtCategory){{html}}<a href="${doc.getURL('view', ${query})}">$syntaxTitle</a>{{/html}}#{else}(% class="current" %)$syntaxTitle#{end}#if ($crtCategory) » #if ($crtSection){{html}}<a href="${crtCategory.url}">${}</a>{{/html}}#{else}(% class="current" %)${}#{end}#if ($crtSection) » (% class="current" %)${}#end#end 284 284 ))) 285 285 == $syntaxTitle: $sectionName == 286 286 ... ... @@ -288,19 +288,14 @@ 288 288 ##----------------------------------------- 289 289 ## syntax-page display 290 290 ##----------------------------------------- 311 + #set ($subHeading = '===') 291 291 (% id="syntax-page-content" %)((( 292 292 #if(!$crtSection && !$crtCategory) 293 293 #syntax_displayCategories($syntaxMenu 'syntax.') 294 294 #elseif (!$crtSection) 295 - #set ($subHeading = '===') 296 296 #syntax_displayCategory($crtCategory.children 'syntax.' '==') 297 297 #else 298 - #set ($displayVersion = $crtSyntaxVer) 299 - #if ($crtSyntaxVer > $crtSection.maxSyntax) 300 - #set ($displayVersion = $crtSection.maxSyntax) 301 - #end 302 - #set ($subHeading = '==') 303 - {{include reference="XWiki.XWikiSyntax${}" section="H${displayVersion}${}"/}} 318 + #syntax_displaySection($crtSection 'syntax.' false) 304 304 #end 305 305 ))) ## syntax-page-content 306 306 {{/velocity}}