Version 6.1 by Ludovic Dubost on 2017/01/07 20:21

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Thomas Mortagne 2.1 1 {{include reference="AppWithinMinutes.WizardStep"/}}
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 2
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 3 {{template name="locationPicker_macros.vm" /}}
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 5 {{velocity output="false"}}
6 #macro(showStep)
7 {{html wiki="true"}}
Ludovic Dubost 6.1 8 #appWizardHeader('name')
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 9 (% class="wizard-help" %)
10 (((
11 **$services.localization.render('platform.appwithinminutes.wizardStepHelpTitle')** $services.localization.render('platform.appwithinminutes.wizardStepHelpDescription')
12 (% class="steps vertical" %)
Ludovic Dubost 6.1 13 #foreach($step in $awmSteps)
14 * (% class="number" %)$mathtool.add($foreach.index, 1)(%%) (% class="name" %)$services.localization.render("appWithinMinutes.wizardStep.${step}.name")(%%)
15 (% class="description" %)$services.localization.render("appWithinMinutes.wizardStep.${step}.description")
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 16 #end
17 )))
Ludovic Dubost 4.1 18 <form action="$doc.getURL()" method="post" class="xform wizard-body">
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 19 #locationPicker({
20 'id': 'app',
21 'title': {
22 'label': 'platform.appwithinminutes.appNameLabel',
23 'hint': 'platform.appwithinminutes.appNameHint',
24 'name': 'appName'
25 },
26 'preview': {
27 'label': 'appWithinMinutes.createApp.location.label',
28 'hint': 'appWithinMinutes.createApp.location.hint'
29 },
30 'parent': {
31 'label': 'appWithinMinutes.createApp.parent.label',
32 'hint': 'appWithinMinutes.createApp.parent.hint',
33 'name': 'appParentReference',
34 'reference': $doc.documentReference.wikiReference,
35 'placeholder': 'appWithinMinutes.createApp.parent.placeholder'
36 }
37 })
38 <div class="appName-preview"></div>
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 39 #appWizardFooter(1)
40 </form>
41 {{/html}}
42 #end
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 44 #macro (processStep)
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 45 ## Check if the application already exists.
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 46 #getAppReference
47 #getAppDescriptor($appReference)
48 #if ($appDescriptor)
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 49 ## Edit an existing application. Use the configured class name.
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 50 #set ($appClassRef = $appDescriptor.getObject($appDescriptorClassName).getValue('class'))
51 ## The class reference is relative to the document holding the application descriptor.
52 #set ($appClassRef = $services.model.resolveDocument($appClassRef, 'explicit', $appDescriptor.documentReference))
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 53 #else
54 ## Create a new application. Use the default class name.
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 55 #set ($appCodeRef = $services.model.createSpaceReference('Code', $appReference))
56 #set ($appClassRef = $services.model.createDocumentReference("$!{}Class", $appCodeRef))
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 57 #end
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 58 #set ($queryString = {'wizard': true})
59 #if (!$xwiki.exists($appClassRef))
60 #set ($appHomeRef = $services.model.resolveDocument('', 'default', $appReference))
61 #set ($discard = $queryString.putAll({
62 'template': 'AppWithinMinutes.ClassTemplate',
63 'parent': $services.model.serialize($appHomeRef),
64 'title': "$ Class"
65 }))
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 66 #end
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 67 $response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL($appClassRef, 'edit', $escapetool.url($queryString)))
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 68 #end
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 70 #macro (validateAppName)
71 #getAppReference
72 #if (!$appReference)
73 (% class="xErrorMsg" %)$services.localization.render('platform.appwithinminutes.appNameEmptyError')
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 74 #else
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 75 #getAppDescriptor($appReference)
76 #if ($appDescriptor)
77 ## Edit an existing application.
78 #set ($appDescriptorObj = $appDescriptor.getObject($appDescriptorClassName))
79 #set ($appClassRef = $appDescriptorObj.getValue('class'))
80 ## The class reference is relative to the document holding the application descriptor.
81 #set ($appClassRef = $services.model.resolveDocument($appClassRef, 'explicit', $appDescriptor.documentReference))
82 #else
83 ## Create a new application.
84 #set ($appCodeRef = $services.model.createSpaceReference('Code', $appReference))
85 #set ($appClassRef = $services.model.createDocumentReference("$!{}Class", $appCodeRef))
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 86 #end
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 87 ; $services.localization.render('platform.appwithinminutes.appNamePreviewHomePageUrlLabel')
88 : {{{$!xwiki.getDocument($appReference).externalURL}}}
89 ; $services.localization.render('platform.appwithinminutes.appNamePreviewCodeSpaceLabel')
90 : {{html clean="false"}}#hierarchy($appClassRef.parent){{/html}}
91 #set ($appHomeRef = $services.model.resolveDocument('', 'default', $appReference))
92 #if ($appDescriptor || $xwiki.exists($appHomeRef) || $xwiki.exists($appClassRef))
94 {{warning}}$services.localization.render('platform.appwithinminutes.appNameIsUsedWarning'){{/warning}}
95 #end
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 96 #end
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 97 #end
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 98
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 99 #macro (getAppReference)
100 #if ($request.resolve == 'true')
101 #set ($appReference = $services.model.resolveSpace($request.appName))
102 #elseif ("$!request.appName" != '')
103 #set ($parentReference = $doc.documentReference.wikiReference)
104 #if ("$!request.appParentReference" != '')
105 #set ($parentReference = $services.model.resolveSpace($request.appParentReference))
106 #end
107 #set ($appReference = $services.model.createSpaceReference($request.appName, $parentReference))
108 #else
109 #set ($appReference = $NULL)
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 110 #end
111 #end
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 112
113 #macro (getAppDescriptor $appReference)
114 #set ($appDescriptorClassName = 'AppWithinMinutes.LiveTableClass')
115 #set ($appDescriptorStatement = "from doc.object($appDescriptorClassName) as obj where = :space")
116 #set ($localSpaceReference = $services.model.serialize($appReference, 'local'))
117 #set ($appDescriptors = $services.query.xwql($appDescriptorStatement).bindValue('space', $localSpaceReference).execute())
118 #if ($appDescriptors.size() > 0)
119 #set ($appDescriptor = $xwiki.getDocument($appDescriptors.get(0)))
120 #end
121 #end
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 122 {{/velocity}}
124 {{velocity}}
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 125 #if ("$!request.appName" != '')
126 #if ($xcontext.action == 'get')
127 #validateAppName
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 128 #else
129 ## CSRF protection is not needed because this step only redirects to the next one passing data in the query string.
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 130 #processStep
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 131 #end
132 #else
Ludovic Dubost 5.1 133 #showStep
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 134 #end
Ludovic Dubost 6.1 135 #set ($displayDocExtra = false)
Ludovic Dubost 1.1 136 {{/velocity}}